Join Us As We Celebrate Our Tenth Anniversary As An Organization!
As we approach our tenth year of operation, we are pleased to announce the launch of a $2,000,000 Capital Campaign. The Tenth Anniversary Capital Campaign is designed to achieve two goals:
1. Fund and operate a demonstration project on the Standards of Care
2. Create an endowment fund to support on-going operations
Demonstration Project
The purpose of the demonstration project is to prove that when the Psychosocial Standards of Care are applied in a clinical setting with actual patients, that health outcomes are improved, healthcare costs are managed and that patient satisfaction is increased. We will partner with researchers and health insurers at three childhood comprehensive cancer centers to conduct a rigorous study that proves the value of making the Standards of Care an essential part of routine care.
Endowment Fund
We have operated the Foundation for nine years in lean start-up mode, and now as we prepare to scale the Psychosocial Standards of Care nation wide, we recognize the need to have a sustaining base of revenue on which to build the operational infrastructure to enable the scaling of the organization.
How You Can Help
If our vision of guaranteeing that all children with cancer and their families receive an optimal standard of psychosocial care and support, from date of diagnosis through the entire cancer journey, then please consider supporting us. Come join the hundreds of volunteers and thousands of donors who are helping to make our programs and the miracles happen.
Please consider supporting the Foundation, by making a tax deductible donation today.